25 Best Houseplants for South Facing Windows

Best Houseplants for South Facing Windows

South facing windows provide lots of sun, and not every houseplant can tolerate the high light levels in this location. But you can grow more than just succulents and cacti in your sunny window sills. In this post, I’ll show you the top 25 best houseplants for south facing windows. Personally, I tend to write … Read more

10 Best Indoor Flowers for Beginners: Easy to Grow Bloomers

Best Indoor Flowers for Beginners

If you’re new to houseplants (or at least the blooming variety), these easy to grow indoor flowers provide visual appeal while being easy enough for a beginner. I’ve chosen plants for this list that require the least amount of fuss and tolerate the most mistakes and neglect while remaining attractive. Here are my top picks … Read more