25 Best Houseplants for South Facing Windows

Best Houseplants for South Facing Windows

South facing windows provide lots of sun, and not every houseplant can tolerate the high light levels in this location. But you can grow more than just succulents and cacti in your sunny window sills. In this post, I’ll show you the top 25 best houseplants for south facing windows. Personally, I tend to write … Read more

19 Best Houseplants for Black Thumbs

When I first started growing houseplants, I had what you might call a “black thumb.” I was terrible with them – or at least that’s what I thought. The truth is I was just inexperienced, and I started with plants that were too difficult for a beginner (except for my beloved pothos). After two decades … Read more

6 Best Indoor Palms for Low Light

Best Indoor Palms for Low Light

I recently received an email from a reader inquiring about the best indoor palms for low light. This reader particularly asked about Lady Palm vs. Cat Palm – both of which perform well in lower light. But I recommended Lady Palm, as I’ve found it’s the most tolerant of dimmer areas. However, there are several … Read more

10 Best Indoor Plants for Dark Rooms

best indoor plants for dark rooms

I live in a very dark house, with no south-facing windows and not much light to work with. This has made it challenging to grow houseplants, but that hasn’t stopped me. I have a huge, thriving indoor garden, and I’ve become an expert on the best indoor plants for dark rooms. In this post, I’ll … Read more

25 Best Plants for North Facing Windows

North Facing Window Plants

Do you have a north-facing window in your home that you want to fill with plants? Well, this is the guide for you! I’m sharing my top picks for the best plants for north facing windows. Not every plant can survive in the lower, indirect light provided by northern windows. But there are many that … Read more