Neanthe Bella Palm Care Indoors (Chamaedorea elegans)

Neanthe bella palm (Chamaedorea elegans), also known as parlor palm, is an easy-care indoor tree that tolerates low light and occasional neglect. It’s been popular as a houseplant since the early 1800s for its ability to thrive in dark Victorian parlors (hence the common name). Fully mature neanthe bella palms reach 4 feet (1.2 meters) … Read more

8 Best Indoor Trees that Actually Thrive in Low Light

Areca Palm Indoor Tree

We bought our first house with no idea that we should pay attention to the windows and sunlight for growing houseplants. We ended up in a home with many low light areas. Over the years we’ve found several trees that survive and even thrive in indirect or filtered light. Here’s a list of the best … Read more